Lip Sync for your Cosplay!
Two Performers. One stage. Can you outperform your opponent onstage against ANY Love Live Song? Own every move to Hatsune Miku’s routines? Can deliver Fantastic Baby better than anyone else? Jez Roth invites you to Vogue. Serve. Werk!
You'd Better werk!
Do you get your life from performing? That rush of getting onstage and being fierce? Then you’d better WERK! Lip Sync for Your Cosplay is the high-energy, heads-up dance battle competition where you show us what you’re made of!
How it works
For each round, a different song will be announced (the playlist will be posted here a few weeks before the convention). From a show of hands, two people are randomly picked from the audience to battle against each other in a two minute competition. They each share the stage and once the music starts, they lip sync, dance, perform, and SERVE the audience in a battle of performance, each fighting to keep the attention on them.
Once the music stops, the two judges declare one the winner.
Don’t worry, we’ll start with a demo song to show you the basics of a typical Lip Sync Battle.
Please note: You can only go once, unless there is a song that is short on volunteers.
Final Round
The Finale Song is not announced until the end of the event. Anyone is eligible to participate in the final round, even those who already performed! In the final round however, entrants will be selected by the judges – so if you already performed, your prior performance may be how they base their selections!
If you are practiced and able – Voguing -spins, hands, death drops are acceptable. No jumping off the stage or hard acrobatics.
No need to register in advance, just show up! Contestants are picked from the audience.
Will you win by choreography or being able to De-liv-er every syllable in Electric Shock? Is acting up that Disney song your forte? Play to your strengths!
You do not need to be in costume, but it adds to the performance element.
Judging is based off of three things: Knowing the words, choreography, and presence. This also factors in cosplaying elements – are you using parts of your costume i.e. a cape/prop to add to your performance? Are you nervous or owning the stage? Are you working the crowd or staying in one, stationary place?
Grab that costume, get dressed, and get ready to either perform or support the performers!
2024 Playlist