Animazement has a lot of great events and contests that we want to share with all of our our attendees. In order to create an environment where everyone can enjoy themselves, meet new friends, meet-up with old friends, and have a good time, we ask all of our attendees to adhere to the following policies.
Anti-Harassment Policy
Animazement is a safe space in which all attendees can feel welcome and secure, regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, religion, or age. We have a zero-tolerance stance on harassment, and will investigate all such claims seriously and thoroughly. Any actions found in violation of this policy may result in disciplinary measures up to and including removal from the convention and bans from future Animazement-sponsored activities.
- Comments (verbal or non-verbal, such as sign language) or gestures that insult, offend, or otherwise make others feel unsafe
- Inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact
- Inappropriate or unwelcome photography or recording
- Inappropriate or unwelcome handling of others’ cosplay, costumes, or props
- Actions intended to intimidate, such as stalking or following
- Suggesting or encouraging any behavior determined to be harassing
Please help us keep Animazement safe and friendly for everyone, and remember – cosplay is not consent!
Code of Conduct
In the interest of ensuring everyone a safe and fun convention, all attendees of Animazement are expected to adhere to to the following Code of Conduct:
- Harassment and bullying will not be tolerated. If anyone feels they are being targeted, please talk to a con staff member,Staff One Security Member, or a Raleigh PD officer as quickly as possible. Remember that we are all family and should be treated with respect. See the Anti-Harassment policy for more details.
- No smoking or vaping (use of electronic cigarettes) is allowed inside the RCC or in any Animazement rooms or events in the Marriott. At the RCC, smoking is only allowed outside the facility and no closer than 25’ from the nearest door, ventilation louver or operable window.
- Do not sleep in convention areas. Rooms are available at nearby hotels.
- Do not sell anything at the convention (art, T-shirts, videos, glowsticks, etc.) without PRIOR written permission from the Animazement director. Selling stuff out of your room is a great way to end your convention early!
- Wear your badge. No badge means no admittance. Badges are non-transferrable.
- Treat the Guests of Honor, convention staff, volunteers, and other attendees with respect.
- Do not take photographs, shoot videos, or make recordings when the use of such devices is prohibited. If you aren’t sure, ask the nearest Animazement staff member. Signs will be posted. This is an unfortunate way to end your convention early. See the Photography Policy for more details.
- Do not destroy or damage the convention facilities, or any property belonging to the RCC or Animazement. Animazement is not responsible for any damage you cause to the RCC or any hotel facilities or property.
- Bathe. The hotel provides soap for a reason!
- Do not touch or “borrow” the audio/visual equipment. You break it, you buy it.
- Do not move tables and chairs. These items have been placed where they are needed.
- Do not talk loudly or heckle the anime in the video rooms. Switch your cellphones to silent. Be respectful of your fellow video room patrons.
- Do not obstruct the flow of traffic. Keep doorways and stairs clear. Step to the side to take photographs. Animazement staff may ask you to remove any props that obstruct the flow of traffic.
- Follow the Props and Weapons Policy. Don’t spar with or swing your props.
- Use your “inside voice.” Do not be loud and obnoxious unless instructed to do so by convention staff. Do not beg, panhandle, or solicit for anything.
- Wear appropriate clothing at all times, as outlined in the Dress Code below. If you are asked to change, please do so. RCC rules require that you wear shoes at all times. This also extends to any Animazement rooms or events in the Marriott.
- No outside food or drink is allowed inside the RCC. Meals from home or food from local restaurants must be eaten outside. The only exception is food from food trucks located immediately outside of the RCC as part of the convention. Snacks and drinks that are necessary for medical reasons or for small children are also allowed.
- No illegal drugs allowed on RCC property. There are Raleigh Police Department officers patrolling who will remove you from the convention if you are found on the premises with any such items.
- Alcoholic drinks are only allowed on the premises after 7PM each evening, and only if purchased from within the RCC from permitted establishments.
- For the RCC, outside Sip N’ Stroll beverages are not allowed inside the RCC - you may purchase alcohol on-site at the RCC and consume it within. Sip N’ Stroll cups may be available to folks departing the facility if you wish to take the alcohol purchased from within the RCC outside into the district.
- Take care of yourself! Don’t drink alcoholic beverages if you’re under the age of 21. Eat and sleep! Animazement has a paramedic on staff with limited hours.
- 18+ panels. There are certain events at Animazement designated as 18+. Attendees planning to go to these events must be at least 18 years old and obtain a wristband from the wristband booth PRIOR to the event. Current Picture identification is required to obtain your wristband; please do not use only an expired I.D. An expired ID PLUS Birth Certificate will be accepted. We will NOT check identification at the door – no bracelet, no admittance.
- The Raleigh Convention Center (RCC) does not allow pets inside the building. Service animals ARE allowed. See our Accessibility page for more information.
Animazement has worked hard over the years to provide a family-friendly environment. In keeping with that philosophy, we have decided to codify our dress policy.
In order to remove as much subjectivity as possible, we’ve compiled a general list of guidelines. These are not all-inclusive, but they’re likewise not negotiable. Animazement staff and security reserve the right to tell you to change on a judgment call basis, so make sure you have a change of clothes or the cash to buy a wonderful Animazement t-shirt if you feel your outfit may be inappropriate.
- Your outfit must cover you at least as well as a modest swimsuit would. (No thongs or other minimalist bottoms. No pasties, tape, or paint in lieu of a full coverage top. Also, obviously nothing transparent for these areas.) We reserve the right to lessen these restrictions after dark.
- Your outfit cannot feature vulgar imagery or otherwise inappropriate content.
- No clothes, blankets, flags, signs, etc with explicit words or solicitation
- No clothes, blankets, flags, signs, etc with vulgar imagery. This includes ahego shirts or shirts with any other sexual imagery.
- This includes swastikas or other racist or offensive imagery. If the character you're cosplaying wears a swastika, you can wear the rest of that cosplay with the swastikas removed or covered. Otherwise you will be asked to change.
- Your outfit must have shoes or sandals that ensure that no part of your foot touches the floor at any time. (RCC rules require that you wear shoes at all times. This also extends to any Animazement rooms or events in the Marriott.)
- Your cosplay may not have functional wheels of any kind.
- You cannot wear roller skates, blades, or any variation thereof. You may still have the skates with you for photo purposes.
- Skateboards and hoverboards are not allowed on RCC property or in any Animazement rooms or events in the Marriott.
- You cannot connect yourself to another person. No chains, leashes, ropes, or anything else that limits the mobility of another person. This is a safety hazard and thus is not allowed.
- Cosplay Signs must be approved at prop check.
- All props must pass the weapons policy, even if you just want to use them during the cosplay contest.
If you have any questions, please Contact Us.
We recognize that cosplay does not equal consent, and do not tolerate harassment of any kind. If you feel you have been harassed, immediately speak with an Animazement staff member. Our intent is for Animazement to be comfortable for all of our attendees. See the Anti-Harassment policy for more details.
Props & Weapons
Animazement wants to create a safe environment for all attendees, while also allowing costumers to show off their hard work and craftsmanship. Please review this page and ensure that everything you bring to the convention follows Animazement guidelines.
All props must be approved by Animazement staff. The prop check table is located in the main lobby of the RCC. If you are entering the convention with a prop that has not been checked, you will not be allowed to enter through the tunnel entrance. If you purchase a prop in the Dealer’s Room, please proceed to the prop check table immediately to have it tagged. For your convenience, there is a prop check table in the Dealers' Room beside the escalator where you can bring any new purchases. All decisions made by Animazement staff are final.
An attendee’s medically necessary mobility or sensory aids, such as canes, crutches, walkers, reach extension devices, rollators, wheelchairs, etc, do NOT need to be prop checked. However, if you are using such a device as a prop (even if medically necessary for the user), it does require prop check. The Accessibility Coordinator will assist in answering any questions or concerns regarding use of medical support devices.
Misusing a prop, or engaging in horseplay by swinging it around, sparring, etc., is the fastest way to lose the privilege of carrying it at all.
All props are subject to review by the convention staff. You may be asked by Animazement or RCC staff to remove your prop. If this happens, you must not only cease wearing it, but also remove it from the convention area immediately.
Failure to adhere to this policy can result in immediate expulsion from the convention. Remember, if you have any doubt, you can always contact us or check with security staff at the convention.
Dealers' Room Weapons
If you purchase a live steel weapon, airsoft gun, or any other forbidden prop in the Dealers Room, take it immediately to your room or car for storage. Do not carry it around with you.
Permitted Costume & Props
Items which are permitted with certain limitations include:
- Easily identifiable toy plastic guns. Nerf guns are only permitted if they are unable to fire or be enabled to fire. Water guns may be permitted if they are permanently disabled.
- Wooden bokken, staffs or walking sticks
- Fake weapons made from cardboard, Styrofoam, rubber, or other craft materials
- Prop bows and arrows – A prop bow must not be able to fire a projectile or be enabled to fire a projectile. If the string can be drawn, it will not be allowed. Projectiles (arrows, bolts, nerf projectiles) are not allowed unless they are unable to be fired.
- Large props – If a prop is so large that a single person cannot safely carry it without endangering others, it is not allowed.
- Large costumes – If a costume is so large, heavy, or cumbersome that the wearer cannot safely move without the aid of another person, it is not allowed inside the RCC. Basically, if you can cause injury to someone else by running them down with your cosplay, it won’t be allowed past convention checkpoints.
- Heavy props – If your prop is so heavy that you cannot safely carry it by yourself, it is too heavy.
- Cosplay Signs - Any sign specifically related to a cosplay must be approved by prop check. **All decisions on cosplay signs are at the discretion of our prop check staff.
Forbidden Costume & Props
Items which are strictly prohibited (no questions asked) include :
- Live Steel – This includes any metal objects which have or can take an edge (sharp or not), including but not limited to:
- Swords, knives, and other bladed weapons
- Shuriken
- Metal armor
- Any other metal objects that can take an edge regardless of whether the item is actually sharp
- Ice Skates – Skates are only allowed if the blade is removed
- Other Metal Objects – This includes heavy metal objects that do not have an edge, including but not limited to:
- Real golf clubs
- Metal pipes
- Metal baseball bats
- Metal folding chairs
- Metal tools such as hammers and wrenches (Some exceptions may be made on a case by case basis. Very small, light metal tools may be allowed, but a heavy plumbers wrench will NOT be allowed.)
- No dumbbells or weights
- Projectile Weapons – No projectile weapons of any kind will be allowed. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Airsoft guns of any type. NO airsoft guns will be allowed regardless of whether it is functional or not. Broken, no moving parts, still not allowed.
- BB and other pellet guns - not even if they are deactivated or painted. NO BB guns are allowed.
- Water guns
- Stun guns and tasers
- Functional nerf guns
- Real bows or crossbows, including real arrows or crossbow bolts. Prop bows must be unable to fire (see permitted props below for details).
- Live ammo or blanks
- No hockey sticks
- No pointy wooden stakes
- Message Signs – This includes all message based signs, picket signs, polling signs and dry erase boards. If you think a sign is necessary for your cosplay, it must be approved at prop check. **All decisions on cosplay signs are at the discretion of our prop check staff.
- Paddles – Regardless of the shape, size, material, or message that may be written on them, paddles of any kind will not be allowed.
- Baseball bats – no metal or wooden bats of any kind are allowed. Plastic bats are okay.
- Real whips – This includes all types of real whips that are capable of causing injury.
- No cap guns of any kind.
- Skateboards and hoverboards are not allowed on RCC property.